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Homework Overview

Homework provides an excellent opportunity to extend and reinforce the learning that occurs in the classroom. Homework will feed into lessons and provides exciting opportunities for student-led learning and creativity.  All homework set will be marked in some manner ranging from a simple recognition of its completion or a score through to full CPR (Comment, Progress and Response) marking.

Each department has created a homework overview which outlines the typical types of homework they will set. It also includes suggested wider reading. We encourage students to read as many of these books as possible to increase their depth and breadth of understanding.

Homework is set on Class Charts and follows the frequency below:

In Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9): Students will receive Homework in Mathematics, English, once per week and Homework in all others once per fortnight on average.

In Key Stage 3 the expected norm per subject is:

  • Year 7 30 minutes
  • Year 8 and 9 45 minutes
  • Students are expected to be undertaking wider reading.

In Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11):  Students will receive Homework in Mathematics, English, Science and his/her option subjects on average once per week.

In Key Stage 4 the expected norm per subject is:

  •  Up to 2 hours per week
  • In addition to homework, students should be revising and researching their GCSEs
  • Students are expected to be undertaking wider reading.


If you wish to discuss the homework within the school please contact:

Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2JT

0161 439 8045