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Assessment Overview

Here at Bramhall High assessment is ongoing throughout a student’s five years. Some of the assessments are formal end of topic or year tests, these are called summative assessments and check a student’s ability to recall a large volume of prior learning. Most assessments though, are less formal and are used to check ongoing learning and recall of prior learning, these are called formative assessments. Some examples of methods of formative assessment which might take place are;

  • Short recall tests
  • Quizzes
  • Skilled questioning
  • Asking students to explain their answers
  • Assessment tasks eg. long answers or essays
  • CPR work
  • Longer independent learning tasks
  • Other low stakes tests such as online systems

We hope that students will experience success on a regular basis, thus increasing motivation and further success. At key stage 3 we want to focus on the acquisition of powerful knowledge that will allow students access to a breadth of knowledge in a broad suite of subjects. Each subject area has a clear assessment grid which outlines the knowledge we believe students need to know.

Key Stage 3

At key stage 3 (Years 7-9) students will be assessed regularly using both formative and summative assessments. All assessed work will be used to check gaps in learning and understanding. Work will be assessed either by giving a percentage, a mark out of 10 or a mastery word to indicate how much of the knowledge taught has been retained. The mastery words are:

Acquiring –       A student is beginning to understand aspects of the subject

Developing –    A student understands and can use much of the knowledge taught

Secure –             A student understands what has been taught and is able to recall much of it.

Mastered –        A student confidently understands the powerful knowledge of the subject and is able to make links.

Key Stage 4

At Key stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) students will be assessed against the relevant assessment objectives, regularly using both formative and summative assessments. Assessment will be regular and accurate to ensure that students are clear about the knowledge that they need to develop. Work will be assessed either by giving a percentage, a mark out of 10 or a GCSE/Vocational grade (9-1, Distinction-Pass).

Attitude to Learning

This is a simple system to indicate how well a student is applying themselves to learning in each subject. It considers classwork and homework effort, classroom engagement and behaviour. It is a 4-1 scale:

            4          Excellent

            3          Good

            2          Requires Improvement

            1          Poor


All year groups will have tracking reports sent home three times per year:

Years 7-9        (December, April, July)

Year 10            (November, January, April, July)

Year 11             (November, January, April)

Each tracking report will provide information about a student’s:

  • Predicted attainment (According to current evidence)
  • Attitude to Learning
  • Behaviour Points
  • Punctuality
  • Attendance

KS4 Reports will also show an indicator grade which informs how well a student is doing compared to ‘similar’ students nationally.

If you wish to discuss our assessment system please contact:

Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2JT

0161 439 8045